Tuesday, March 1, 2011

good morning

I woke up at 4:30 this morning to a black sky and a perfect yellow crescent moon hanging in visibility, centered amidst the branches of my willow tree. I jumped up to get my camera, but then remembered the battery died yesterday. I briefly beat myself up for not charging the battery the second I noticed it, but the distractions are rampant and you can't dwell on the past. That's my excuse.

So, I had this internal argument about whether or not I should go back to sleep at 4:30am and decided to stick with this path of discipline I have chosen for myself and get my butt on the treadmill. The 20 minute walk and time of reading was wonderful. I found great inspiration from Artful Blogging Magazine. There are some wonderful artists contained in this publication and it is definitely worth the $15 to pick up a copy. Check out www.stampington.com for more details.
I'm thinking of checking out "where women create" and "green craft" magazine as well.

This year will be a time of enhanced growth and advancement in body, mind & spirit. This decision was made before the new year and was not really a resolution but a conscious, active decision that I have been purposing myself to stick to each day. Life is all about individual, recurrent, frequent decision making that impacts all of life and makes up the past. Through these purposeful decisions we can affect our future in a positive or negative way, and I want to have a positive, health-filled future.

After I got off the treadmill I had a big glass of water and a bowl of fresh raspberries. Can you even wait for berry picking season?!

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