Being "green" is this new trendy thing, that I find to be very interesting after being a recycler and a tree hugger for as long as I can remember. I think I was born a tree hugger: running my own personal spring cleanup projects of a neighboring stream as a child, scraping piles of leaves out of the water so that it could flow freely; scavening for quartz crystals in snake valley upstream and chiseling them out with excitement and fascination; doing what I would now call "yoga" on fallen pine trees; sitting under trees in the woods next to my parents house as a teenager, writing poetry by myself; making "time capsules" and burying them in the Earth...which we never did unearth; carving Jessica + Dan in a boulder in the old stone fenceline bordering my parents property; watching my Grandmother rescue offensive insects from her house and freeing them into the great outdoors with care and compassion; being warned by my Father that hammering nails into a tree would kill the tree; releasing a balloon into the great unknown with my Dad in a protest against placing a landfill on open land down the road from our house; and then recycling for the past 11 years as a habit and a top lifestyle priority, are all experiences that have molded me into the person I am today, shaping the beliefs that I hold true to my heart.
It is funny to me that now I am a environmentalist with lots of strict opinions about waste and peoples' carelessness with the trash they consume.
Let's take for example a fast food chain. I am very quilty myself of entering into the gates of the golden pathway to dis-health, and misfortune. Everyone knows it is unhealthy to eat the food, but does anyone ever think of the amount of packaging that accessorizes the nasty food-stuff they are "eating"?
Here is a picture of the perfect plastic food they serve from you know where:
I took the picture to remind me of how discusting it is and how unreal the food is, and how it just plain old cannot be good for me: look at how the buns glisten in the sunlight, all perfect and round, and well plastic looking. Gross. I swear they put cocaine into that food...maybe just a little you will return again and again. I know, you're probably saying, what's the big deal? It's a cheeseburger Jessica. You health freak. You hypocrite. Or maybe you are a religious vegetarian that wasn't raised on cheeseburgers and coca-cola and I am no longer part of the cool kids club. Ok, so say what you want. Please. Think. About something. I recycle my iced coffee cups that I buy from the same establishment. I make sure it is #1 so that I don't throw a #5 into the bin and mess up the whole freaking bin of plastic toxicity. I bought the new reusable cold drink cups with twist on caps and hard plastic straws, toting them with me to stewarts and cumbies, and dunkin donuts, to make sure I am at least not repeatedly using throwaway cups all the time. It's a bad habit. Iced coffee...highly addictive. But this is a tangent I will save for my next health/food blog.
So, I'm throwing away this beautiful purple ribbon used to wrap a small bouquet that my daughter carried down the aisle for a wedding yesterday. I was tempted to save the ribbon. Save it for a rainy day. But, sadly realize that the rainy day in which I need a 2' long piece of purple satin ribbon will probably not come, and my house is full of clutter, which is also another blog post in itself. I made the walk of shame to my garbage can. The garbage can that had a plastic liner that cracked and was ripping my garbage bags as I pulled them out of the can. The garbage can that is retro green and I bought at TJMaxx for $30 or so. The one that didn't last. So now, every time you lift that metal lid and let go after depositing your glorious contribution to the wasting of the universe, it crashes shut with a loud, ringing, disruptive, smack! It makes everyone shudder. Thoughts have been had about cushioning the lids' fall, but nothing has been done to change it, so there she sits: old, used up, dirty on the bottom and a recepticle for a startling collection of unmentionable trash. Yikes. It's just a ribbon you say! Ok, so it's just one silly little ribbon. But, by the hand of me & my family, we make about 4-5 bags of trash per month. Multiply that by all of the other individuals, families, corporations, adjust each category of peoples' and groups accordingly and see for yourself how this all works out mathematically. It's scary.
So, recycling is annoying. You have to wash stuff, and store it somewhere before you bring it to the recycling center. Oh well, if you can't plan on being a good steward with what you consume, then stop consuming and see how far you get in this life. Predictions have been made about climate changes. Religious groups argue that these changes have happened in the past. What if it is not about what party you are espoused to? What if this is not really about whether or not you worship the Creator or the creation? What if this is about your standards, and about your lifestyle and whether or not you are just a plain old lazy bum in the way you disrespect the Earth.?!
Let's just say you built a beautiful mansion by yourself. You trudged through the extremes of all four seasons laying each brick one by one, singlehandedly. You made sure the mansion was well insulated, built on a sturdy foundation that would last for thousands of years...maybe more. You handcrafted stained glass windows, and placed them into the spaces you carved out into the walls in your mind, on a piece of paper where you drew the plans for years.On the last day of your life, you placed the last slate on the pitched roof. The kind of roof that no man can even imagine how anyone was able to stand on without plummeting to their death. You climbed down from that roof, and you marvel at your creation. You know that you can now rest, because you have worked hard and honestly. The day after you die, your family puts your house up for sale. They cannot see maintaining the home.
A rich family comes along. The parents inherited money, and they never worked a day in their life. They hire servants. The servants and groundskeepers slave away to maintain the families comfort. The members of the family throw their garbage on the floor. They leave their laundry for the maids.The parents buy volumes of stuff to please their childrens senses.
One weekend, vandals come along and break in while the family is away on one of their many vacations. They spray paint the walls of the glorious mansion. They shoot holes in the windows. They steal every valuable thing they can find. The employees arrive the next day and find the estate in disarray. They work quickly to restore any mess they can. The bricks are painted, and windows replaced with cheap industrial grade windows. The kind with the plastic frames. With urgency they try to replace the damage as well as they can, but the integrity of the creation is lost and can never be recreated again. I am not saying that God is ticked if you do not recycle, but I do think that the vengeance of nature is happening right now. Hurricane threats, tornadoes, and earthquakes were not a threat in my mind for 32 years and 11 months. Not until this year. I would be offended if you messed up my masterpiece. Would you? I don't personally want to be the cleanup staff for millions of lazy people that can't be bothered to help. But I retain that position, hoping someday someone else will get the hint and pick up some of the social slack.
Wasting the creation of God is an irresponsibility. Let's not be the people that do too little too late. Find ways to make a real difference today and start implementing them into your life now. Set the example for your children and inspire them to live the same way when they can make their own choices.
I believe in being a good steward of our Earth, and you should too....
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